
Coffee and side tables

In dialogue with spaces

Curved glass bedside tables, fused glass coffee tables – sculpted, transparent, colourful and opaque – add a finishing signature touch to the room. 

The side tables, in addition to being highly functional, become a part of everyday life adding light and a hint of the unexpected alongside the sofa. 

Coffee tables add the finishing touch to the living room, showcasing the fusions and reflections of the glass along with the visual and tactile sensations that interact with the setting.

Essential for the living

Designer coffee and side tables are a statement feature of the living area. 

Coffee tables, in particular, occupy a central position where the vanishing point and perspective converge, focusing the gaze of the observer. 

They have a practical role but also play an important part in defining the look, sensations, emotions and ultimately, the Mood of the room.

Emotional surfaces

Glass in all its forms, fusions, the innovative regeneration of surfaces made of DV-Glass and the dialogue with various materials and surfaces, such as marble, offer numerous layout options and the possibility of evoking emotional and aesthetic sensations. Multi-material coffee tables are often the centrepiece in a high-end living room.

Tavolini fronte divano

La magia del vetro fuso abbinato al marmo dei piani dei nostri tavolini fronte divano si esalta nell’incontro con il legno ed il metallo che costituiscono basamenti eleganti e razionalmente concepiti.
Superfici eteree che accolgono gli oggetti più cari e preziosi durante le nostre pause relax, presenze in grado di marcare l’identità dell’ambiente grazie ad un’ampia variabilità di stili e cromie.  

Tavoli fianco divano

A fianco del divano i tavolini bassi diventano un complemento funzionale del living che non rinuncia per questo a connotarne i tratti distintivi. Il volume solitamente opaco del divano viene alleggerito ed illuminato da superfici multimateriche che possono riflettere, specchiare o rifrangere la luce.
Un trait d’union che esalta la convivialità del living, in un gioco di contrasti e rimandi in armonia con gli altri elementi d’arredo.

coffee TABLES

The magic of fused glass combined with marble in the tops of our sofa front tables is enhanced by the encounter with wood and metal of their elegant and rationally conceived bases.
Ethereal surfaces that welcome the dearest and most precious objects during our relaxing breaks, presences capable of marking the identity of the ambience through a wide variability of styles and colors.


Next to the sofa, low side tables become a functional complement to the living room while still highlighting its distinctive features. The usually opaque volume of the sofa is lightened and illuminated by multi-material surfaces that can reflect, mirror or refract light. A trait d’union that enhances the conviviality of the living room, in a play of contrasts and cross-references in harmony with the other furniture.

Web design

Giacomo Mornico
Irene Sartor
Marco Tonet
Nicola Carpene
Simone De Gasperin