FIAM Influencer Academy: a link to the future
- 25/10/2022

Qualifying in this respect was the presence of the students from the IED Milan’s Product Design course led by Prof. Antonello Andrea D’Egidio, who dialogued with some of the leading players in the design and communication fields. From Daniele Livi, CEO of FIAM Italia, they got a glimpse of the life and business vision of someone who every day produces emotions rather than products, dressing the environments of everyday life with these. From Catherine Poulain they had a first-hand account of how an Influencer career starts and develops, from briefs to posts, through concept development, human touch, and marketing strategy.
A key point of the reflection was undoubtedly the necessary match between the values of the company and the profile of the influencer who needs to communicate them, while highlighting the strategic relevance of the tools and indicators of an appropriate assessment of the effects of the communication itself.
Another important phase of this Academy was the visit of the Showroom led by Andrea Salvioni himself, when the students and the participants had the chance to appreciate the FIAM Mood project, which represents the company’s transition to total living and total dining. Adele Martelli, Art Director of FIAM, explained to the public the stylistic and technological choices that led to the creation of harmonious ambiences where colors, but also materials and surfaces dialogue with each other.
Glass, marbles, upholstery, transparent, reflective or opaque surfaces blend together to create a Mood, a symbolic and emotional structure that welcomes and lulls the user. An ambience that communicates emotions, where for the occasions students and professionals, producers and communicators of different generations interacted.